
CPEN 481: Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects

Course, The University of British Columbia, Department of ECE, 2020

The course included Time-money relationships; economic analysis of alternatives including the effects of interest rates, inflation, depreciation, taxation and uncertainty; cost estimation and budgeting; financial analysis of engineering operations. Created and graded assignments.

CPEN 491: ECE final year undergraduate Capstone design project

Projects, The University of British Columbia, Department of ECE, 2019

This course involved mentoring final year undergraduate capstone students. I provided design inputs at various stages and helped them to drive the projects to completion. For Data and ML related projects I provided substantial guidance each week (2019:1,2,3; 2020:1,2; 2021:1,2,3). All Coding was done by the students.

ELEC 433: Error control coding for communications and computers

Course, The University of British Columbia, Department of ECE, 2018

The course included code design techniques, including Hamming, BCH, Reed-Solomon, LDPC and convolutional codes, ARQ techniques, and LFSR implementation of encoding-decoding algorithms. Created and graded assignments.