



A time capsule

less than 1 minute read


In progress


The need for a critical mineral demand model incorporating technical change

17 minute read



Studying the effects of technical change on critical mineral demand and supply in the context of the low-carbon energy transition is an important and open area of research. Despite the crucial role played by these minerals in low-carbon technologies, long-term demand projections remain uncertain due to intricate interactions between drivers of technical change. In this writeup, I lay out what a framework that studies the effects of technical change on critical mineral demand would look like, how it can be developed, and what are its potential use cases.


Developments in machine learning for antibody design

23 minute read


Protein structure and sequence modeling has seen a fresh wave of resurgence in the last couple of years owing to some interesting developments in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) based techniques. These techniques appear in a variety of flavours including using Equivariant neural network modules to respect the structural properties of 3D macromolecules, deeper networks that can benefit from the increased available experimental structures, powerful node-to-node relationship learners like transformers, and masked language modeling on the protein sequence space to learn evolutionary information. While structure prediction methods like AlphaFold (AF) [1] and RosettaFold (RF) [2] have become ubiquitious in computational structural biology, there remain challenges to be tackled on multiple fronts, where ML will play an important role.


Are we explorers or caretakers?

7 minute read


This was written when I was younger, and both the content and the form of my opinions on this topic have changed since then. Leaving this here for the sake of continuity.